I met a guest at our hotel months ago while I was going through a tough time. Missing home, not sure what direction to take, blah, blah, blah. It seems to be a cycle I find every once and a while.
Anyway, this guest was just overwhelmingly motivational and just kept telling me, "I see something in you; you've got this. You can do it!"
Well, she gave me her business card and told me if I ever needed anything, to please send her a note.
At the beginning of summer, I e-mailed her. I knew she was traveling a lot for work but figured she'd get back to me when it was good for her. I just thanked her for what she had told me and left it at that. I had forgotten about the e-mail to be honest. And I was a little surprised to see a response from her in my inbox just now.
The words she wrote left me speechless. If you know me, you'll know how close her words hit to home.
Thank you Sarah – and sorry for my delay in getting back to you! I have been buried at work and keep seeing your email and wanting to get back to you!
How are you doing? Have you made progress on your book? It was such a pleasure to meet you. I hope your summer is going well and that you are still enjoying your time in So Cal. You are going to be GREAT! It is always hard to start over in a new city but you have courage and strength and I know you will be successful. Take it one day at a time – don’t make decisions late at night as it always seems more scary/harder/more intense and morning always brings a new perspective. Stay safe, eat right and make good friends who will bring you chicken soup when you feel crummy away from home. Be intrepid – you have nothing to lose. Take chances now – even if you fall off of your bike (this is my Dad speaking) you can get back on and no one who is successful makes it with a few band aids and bruises along their path. You never win without trying – and it’s the losing that makes you stronger and better at what you do and who you are.
Go home for the holiday’s if you can to get a recharge or spend time with the “family you make” in your community. Be kind to yourself and patient.
Good luck and keep in touch – you are special and you will do wonderful things in life!
Sometimes we need a complete stranger to see something in us that we weren't able to see before we believe it's true. Sometimes there are words that we know we need to hear, but don't have the strength to say them or face them ourselves.
Today I feel blessed.