Tuesday, April 5, 2011

On my way.

I don't always know where I'm going but I like to think inevitably I know where I want to be. I think ultimately I'm scared. I'm scared because I know that "the journey" or the "getting there", if you will, is what life's all about. It's not where you're going, it's getting there. That scares me because I kind of tend to feel like I'm rushing that--I'm rushing through the journey (or in some cases avoiding it [read: love life]).

California brings out the best in me, as far as I can tell.

Here are some things that I know of myself:

1. I'm a writer and I'm decent when it comes to using my words.
2. I love fairytales and magic and surprises. Mostly surprising others.
3. I love to be alone but I hate the idea of being lonely.
4. I love the fast-paced lifestyle of everything entertainment.

Basically, I'm still learning about myself but I know thinking about California makes me happy and being in California makes me happy...so why not go to California?

The absolute worst thing that could happen: I spend all of my money and have to move back home.


I'm fully prepared to have to come home. However, I'm incredibly determined to stay.

See you in two months, LA-LA Land.

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